K-8th English


  1. Reading (Foundational Skills)

    • Understand basic print concepts (left-to-right, top-to-bottom).

    • Recognize and name uppercase and lowercase letters.

    • Develop phonological awareness (rhyming, segmenting, blending).

    • Read common high-frequency words by sight.

  2. Writing

    • Use drawings, dictation, and writing to compose opinion, informative, and narrative texts.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults.

    • Ask and answer questions to seek help or gather information.

  4. Language

    • Demonstrate command of standard English grammar and usage.

    • Use frequently occurring nouns, verbs, and prepositions.

1st Grade

  1. Reading (Literature and Informational Texts)

    • Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

    • Retell stories, identifying the central message or lesson.

  2. Writing

    • Write opinion pieces introducing a topic and stating an opinion.

    • Create informative/explanatory and narrative texts with details.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Describe people, places, and events with relevant details.

    • Follow agreed-upon discussion rules.

  4. Language

    • Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.

    • Begin understanding root words, prefixes, and suffixes.

2nd Grade

  1. Reading

    • Identify the main idea and key details in a text.

    • Describe how characters respond to major events and challenges.

  2. Writing

    • Write opinion, informative, and narrative texts with clear structure.

    • Strengthen writing by revising and editing with adult guidance.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Recount or describe ideas and details clearly.

    • Create audio recordings or visuals to clarify ideas.

  4. Language

    • Use collective nouns, irregular past-tense verbs, and adjectives.

    • Understand and use synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.

3rd Grade

  1. Reading

    • Determine the main idea and explain how it is supported by details.

    • Distinguish their own point of view from that of the author.

  2. Writing

    • Write opinion pieces with reasons supporting their opinion.

    • Conduct short research projects using multiple sources.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker.

    • Report on a topic or text with appropriate facts and details.

  4. Language

    • Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

    • Recognize and correct run-on sentences and sentence fragments.

4th Grade

  1. Reading

    • Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem.

    • Explain events, procedures, or concepts in a historical or scientific text.

  2. Writing

    • Write opinion, informative, and narrative texts with clear organization.

    • Use technology to produce and publish writing collaboratively.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Paraphrase portions of texts or information presented in various formats.

    • Differentiate between formal and informal English.

  4. Language

    • Use relative pronouns and progressive verb tenses.

    • Acquire and use grade-appropriate academic vocabulary.

5th Grade

  1. Reading

    • Compare and contrast characters, settings, or events.

    • Integrate information from several texts to write or speak about a topic.

  2. Writing

    • Write opinion essays with logically ordered reasons and evidence.

    • Use research to support writing with evidence from sources.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Summarize information presented in diverse media formats.

    • Plan and deliver presentations with supporting details.

  4. Language

    • Use conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections correctly.

    • Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning and style.

6th Grade

  1. Reading

    • Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, or section fits into a larger text.

    • Compare and contrast texts in different genres.

  2. Writing

    • Write arguments supported by logical reasoning and evidence.

    • Conduct short research projects to answer a question.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Interpret information presented in diverse formats and explain its meaning.

    • Adapt speech for various contexts and tasks.

  4. Language

    • Use and understand verb mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive).

    • Use grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots.

7th Grade

  1. Reading

    • Analyze how elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes characters or plot).

    • Determine the meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings.

    • Evaluate arguments and specific claims in a text, assessing reasoning and evidence.

  2. Writing

    • Write arguments with clear reasons and relevant evidence, addressing counterclaims.

    • Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas clearly.

    • Conduct research projects to answer a question, using multiple sources.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Engage in discussions, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

    • Present claims and findings logically, emphasizing key points.

  4. Language

    • Demonstrate command of English grammar, including phrases and clauses.

    • Use a variety of sentence structures and apply grade-appropriate academic vocabulary.

    • Explain the function of phrases and clauses in specific sentences.

8th Grade

  1. Reading

    • Analyze how dialogue or specific incidents in a story propel the action, reveal character traits, or provoke decisions.

    • Compare and contrast the structure of two or more texts, analyzing how they contribute to meaning.

    • Evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, distinguishing between supported and unsupported claims.

  2. Writing

    • Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and evidence, acknowledging opposing views.

    • Write narratives with effective techniques, relevant details, and structured event sequences.

    • Integrate information from multiple sources into research writing, avoiding plagiarism.

  3. Speaking and Listening

    • Collaborate in discussions, responding thoughtfully to diverse perspectives.

    • Deliver well-organized presentations that include multimedia components to clarify claims.

  4. Language

    • Use verbs in the active and passive voice and in conditional moods to achieve specific effects.

    • Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb voice and mood.

    • Acquire and use grade-appropriate academic and domain-specific vocabulary.